Welcome to Westbury Heritage Society and Westbury Museum.
Housed in the beautiful and historic Westbury Library in Edward Street, we tell the story of the town and the surrounding area from the Bronze Age times to the present day. Visitors can access the society’s interesting collections, artefacts and the archive of old photos and newspaper clippings which reflect the history, culture and heritage of the town.
Free admission means that the museum is truly for everyone so please pop in and visit us at any time. We hope you will use this site, and our Facebook page Westbury Museum, to find out more about the history of the town and our forthcoming programme of talks and workshops.
Please note that the museum is closed until Monday 17 February for our annual housekeeping period. We hope to see you again once we are open.
News and What’s On.
Vintage workouts – and a bevy of “Physical Culture Girls”
Vintage workouts - and a bevy of "Physical Culture Girls" by Liz Argent... Christmas is over and the New Year [...]
It’s a Dog’s Life
It's a Dog's Life by Sally Hendry... Imagine being able to take a peek into a eighteenth century kitchen - and no [...]
Storms and the mystery fern leaf!
by Sally Hendry... Being among those hardy playgoers who were quite literally drenched to the bone at Heywood House gardens [...]
Westbury Heritage Society was formed in 1992 by a group of people intent on preserving the town’s heritage with the local community. In 2021, it was decided to rebrand our space in the Library as Westbury Museum.
Our aim is to provide opportunities for local people to best engage with Westbury’s heritage and cultural identity and to generate a greater sense of pride and belonging in the town. We hold regular illustrated talks and exhibitions on different themes throughout the year which are open to all and also work with partners on research projects of local interest.
The Museum, which is free to enter, is run entirely by volunteers; if you would like to help in some way, please either drop by the library (follow our historic timeline up the stairs) and chat with us or contact us on [email protected]

The society and Museum is run totally by volunteers who all want to preserve the heritage of this lovely town. You can help people make a real connection with the past by volunteering at the Museum in the library. From interacting with our visitors to working with our historic collections, we would love for you to join us.
All abilities and interests are welcomed, so, if you feel inspired to volunteer or help in another capacity, please send us an email through the contact form below and we will be in touch.
Contact us.
We will be more than happy to help answer any questions you have and if you would like to join us as a volunteer, please use this form also. We will be in touch with you shortly. We are now in our new location on the first floor of Westbury Library so if you have any queries or just want to drop by for a chat, we would be pleased to welcome you.