The Pliosaurs of Westbury.

We are very excited that in August, we will be holding an exhibition in the museum to showcase the copy of the lower jaw of the Pliosaur that was found in the Westbury claypits in the 1990s. Doris, as she was affectionately named by Bristol Museum, will be on loan to us for two weeks only at the beginning of August and there will be lots of information and images to give a real flavour of what life was like for Doris when she swam in the warm Jurassic seas that covered Bristol 150 million years ago.
In the run up to the exhibition, we are lucky that Dr Judith Sassoon of Bristol University will be giving us a talk about the secrets of those Jurassic sea dragons. A fascinating evening in store for everyone!
The talk will be held on Tuesday 26 July at 7.30 pm at Westbury Methodist Church in Station Road. Admission £5. Not to be missed.